Friday, February 20, 2009

BBN had a really good day today. He drank almost a full bottle! It's amazing how fast they learn. Yesterday they tried and he didn't know what to do and today he drank 25 cc's! (The last 5 cc's they had to give through the tube because he was too tired) The best part was that Kerry got to give him the bottle and David can stop on the way home from work to see if he'll take it again at the next feeding. It's a lot of work for BBN, but we're excited to see that he can do it.

We remember with Ilan that we used to have to fight with him and squeeze his cheeks to get the bottle in his mouth - hopefully this time around we'll have fewer feeding issues.

BBN and Kerry also got to do kangaroo care for a full hour and all of his numbers (heart rate, respiratory and oxygen) remained at perfect levels! It is so exciting that every day we are at the NICU it seems that we can be more involved in BBN's care and we are starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel!

We posted some new pictures above - the first three are his first photos without the CPAP where you can actually see his face. The last one is a picture of Kerry holding BBN for the second time. (In typical Newman fashion our batteries died in the camera the first time we held him...oops!)

Looking forward to reporting more good news over the weekend.


  1. Freudian slip: you just called him Ilan in that last paragraph :)

  2. I was just thinking the same thing! I was then trying to look at the picture to see if maybe it was an old picture of Ilan :)
