Sunday, March 1, 2009

Day 19-21 update

Sorry for not posting in a few days. It's been a busy weekend. Between going back and forth to the hospital, bringing Ilan to birthday parties (a very welcome and fun distraction from the hospital) and Shabbat we haven't had much time.

We hope you enjoy the new pictures with no oxygen and far fewer tubes! Now all BBN has is he feeding tube and the leeds that monitor his vital signs. (The patches on his cheeks held the nasal cannula in and were removed shortly after these pictures were taken)

BBN continues to do well. This morning he drank his whole bottle in 5-10 minutes! He did not need any chin support or reminders that the bottle was in his mouth - he just sucked it down like a pro! We were excited but also have to remember that there will be good feeds and bad feeds and he most likely will go back and forth for a while.

Because he is doing better and finishing most of his bottles rather than automatically doing every other feed by tube they are now leaving it to the nurses discretion. So we'll see how he does with this new routine. Hopefully it won't tire him out to much.

BBN also has gained weight nicely in the past few nights averaging about 1/2 oz to 1oz per day. He is now up to 4lbs 4ozs, so we're excited about that.

The doctors don't think he'll be coming home this week, but hopefully the week after that...we'll keep everyone posted.

Kerry & David


  1. keep up the good news.. thinking good things for you...

  2. David and Kerry - Mazel tov! BBN is simply handsome and it's wonderful news to hear he'll be coming home soon. Congratulations.
