Sunday, February 22, 2009

Day Thirteen & Fourteen Update

BBN had a good weekend. He got moved to a less critical room in the NICU, which is a good sign. This morning he actually took a whole bottle by mouth - which was exciting - although other feeds today he hasn't taken anything at all and had to be given the whole feeding by tube. We remember this stage with Ilan - some feeds are great, others are not - and it just becomes a waiting game for when they finally get the suck,swallow, breath sequence down. Hopefully it will be sooner rather than later.

BBN is still getting some oxygen through the nasal cannuala, but it's very minimal and he probably won't need it for too much longer.

Another big step that we are looking forward to is BBN's move from his isolet into an open crib - which could also happen in another few days.

Of course we'll continue to keep everyone posted throughout the week and hope we have good news to report.

PS - Thanks to those of you who pointed out that Kerry called BBN, Ilan in the last post. She is doing that all of the time and will be much happier once we can announce BBN's name at his bris - no word yet on when that can be, but we'll keep everyone posted.

1 comment:

  1. We're so happy to hear continued improvement and good news! We hope he is home and big and growing and getting into trouble very, very soon!
